Monday, March 31, 2008

Beach Christians

While I was in Daytona Beach, Florida over spring break I was really looking forward to just relaxing with my friends on the beach during the day. Well, these guys made that extremely difficult...

Apparently, this Evangelical Christian group from Virginia thought spring break would be a good time to go around the beach and preach the gospel to people. Now, don't get me wrong I am not saying that there's anything wrong with trying to get people to understand religion and if you want to go around a beach in Florida during spring break trying to talk to college kids about Jesus, then go ahead. But walking around with signs accusing everyone with a beer that they are a sinner, is a little crazy in my opinion.

This video just shows a very small part of what many spring breakers experienced every day on the beach. These people were not only on the beach, but also outside of bars and clubs with microphones calling everyone sinners and telling us that we are all going to hell...

This particular guy approached me more than once. The second time, he told me I wasn't going to Heaven. :(